Laurent PICHAUD, X-sud company (Nîmes-France) From
September 5 to September 18, 2005 ÀTITRÉ, UN PORTRAIT
DE CATHERINE EN INTERPRÈTE Created by Laurent Pichaud
RESIDENCIES With the support of La Coursive - Scène
Nationale de La Rochelle Both the Chapelle Fromentin
and the Coursive.
Interpreted by Catherine Legrand
Lighting Design: zéNuno Sampaio
First production: first semester of 2006 (T.B.A.)
Laurent Pichaud, choreographer and dancer, created the company X-SUD in 1996. He produces dance pieces regularly and offers unique activities such as workshops designed for the audience, tutorials for dancers training to become professionals or workshops for Visual Arts students. His approach is greatly influenced by his interest in land art and by his dissertation on the visibility of the Shoah in contemporary art. Nevertheless, he has never stopped interpreting pieces and participating in singular projects initiated by other choreographers.
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